Thursday, 10 March 2016


As my first post I would like to kind of introduce what this blog is about. Mistreating animals and violating aspects of their lifestyle. And how am I going to link this to geography? Animal issues such as trafficking, or experimenting and many others are more relevant in some parts of the world and not so in others, showing not only that this issue is related to geography but that it is an on-going world-wide problem.

For example in my next post I will be talking about factory farming and how much of a problem it is in the North American region due to the mass production imposed by the big meat companies. Here geography comes into place because of the geographical conditions of America, more specifically the USA, this big meat processing businesses moved in and took over the traditional farming system.

Another of my posts would include information about animal trafficking which is most prominent in Thailand due to the variety of rare animals and, because it is a developing country laws and regulations are bypassed by this trafficking business using bribes and at times armed forces. This can also be seen in another developing country hit by war and chaos, Congo has a very big issue with poaching especially when it has one of the most important natural parks in the world.

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