Friday, 8 April 2016

Animals as a source of entertainment
this is something very common in circuses and TV shows where you see a tiger jumping through a flaming hoop or a bear playing the trumpet or even a monkey serving tea or a kangaroo boking with a man. I don't need to say that these behaviours are completely unnatural and forced upon the animals by their greedy and money driven owners. It is amazing the amount of money one can make by simply beating a chimp until it smiles or whipping a lion until it lays down and lets you cuddle with him. Well it is not as simple as that.

To teach a dog you can use the reward system where a dog tries to follow your orders in order to get a reward but that is because the dog and the human have been together since the very early stages of society and they have always been used not only as a tool but as an animal companion and a regular member of society in many cities and nations but it is different with wild animals, they fear people and they are not interested in the rewards you can give them since all they want to do is run away as far as possible. The way to teach them is to break them, this can be seen in the series of Game of Thrones and it is what Ramsey did to Theon Greyjoy. An example of how trainers break bears and get them to do what they want them to do is as follows: first the mother and the cub are separated and put in separate cages, the "trainer" would pull the teeth and claws out form the cub which cries in pain and eventually passes out due to the blood lose. The mother witness the horror and goes through so much stress and emotional pain that breaks.
Once an animal or even a human is broken they lose the will to thrive and fight for their lives, they loose what makes them or us animals. Now the trainer can teach the bears how to play the trumpet or how to clap without the fear of the bear killing the trainer because they have gone to a state past fear and it is hard to explain. I was thinking about putting a video but the sensible content wouldn't be appropriate.

It is truly amazing how people can turn to savageries just for the money involved and this shows that the world is not ruled by the morality of the good but by the greed of the bad.

Activities like the one outlined usually take place in the Siberian region in Russia where the climate and the low density of people allows the bears to thrive and this applies to every animal specially in regions around the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn like India, Thailand, Brazil... people keep taking advantage of both the abundance of wildlife in these regions and the problems of these regions regarding their economic position and their access to resources.